Winter Is Coming (And He’s SO Handsome!)

Happy New Year, everyone!  I am excited for 2015 — are you?  Our resolution is to organize our house (tiny hooligans will not thwart us!), and I am super-thrilled about all the Wings of Fire action coming up this year . . . including BOOK 7: Winter Turning!!!!!:

Isn’t Winter the IceWing just glorious?  You can see why Kinkajou instantly has a crush on him, can’t you?  🙂  And behold his beautiful kingdom:

This might be my favorite cover yet (I mean . . . NARWHALS!!!).  And the book is really all written now, so I can start dropping sinister hints about it soon!

In other incredible news, iBooks chose Wings of Fire as a featured series, so there’s an amazing promotion going on over there right now where the first two books are only $3.99 each!  So very cool of them!  If you’d know anyone who might like reading these as e-books, let them know!  🙂

Also, with the release of book 6, Wings of Fire is back on the New York Times bestseller list — for two weeks in a row now, which is so mind-boggling and wonderful — thank you so much, FanWings!  I adore you!

More soon, here and on the forums!  🙂

What We’re Reading:
Me: Organizing from the Inside Out, by Julie Morgenstern (watch out, house, here I come!) and Belzhar, by Meg Wolitzer

The bears:  Between the two boys and me, there is a lot of superhero obsession in this house (whereas I’m not sure poor Adam could tell you Iron Man’s real name).  (The four-year-old has informed me that he goes to Daddy with “science questions” but that I know the most about “character stuff,” which sounds about right!)  So one of the most popular series with both of them is the Marvel/Disney “Origin Stories” for kids.  These are big illustrated storybooks about all the superheroes — The Invincible Iron Man or The Amazing Spider-Man or The Courageous Captain America — and they’re such a fun starting point for my future sci-fi geeks (mwa ha ha), plus I actually don’t mind reading them over and over.  🙂