Countdown to BOOK 6: MOON RISING . . .

Hi everyone!

So . . . how was YOUR November?  🙂  Because mine was crazy in ALL THE WAYS!  Crazy awesome, crazy busy, crazy thrilling, crazy stressful, crazy in love with all of you FanWings who came out to the events on my tour.  Thank you thank you!  It was so much fun to meet you all!  I hope we can do it again soon!

Especially since Wings of Fire Book 6: Moon Rising is now LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY!  EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Astute readers have noticed that Scholastic moved the book up a week, so now you can get it on December 30!!  That’s in (math math math…) 27 days!!!!!

Very Important Reminder!  If you would like a personalized, signed copy of Moon Rising, we can make that happen!  All you have to do is call and order it from the wonderful and fabulous people at Newtonville Books:  617-244-6619.  (You can do it right now!  Pre-orders are marvelous!)  Tell them who you want me to sign it to, and I’ll zip on over there and do it, and then they’ll send it straight to you.  Plus, bonus supporting a wonderful independent bookstore, yay!  🙂

I know, it seems a little funny to me that it’s coming out immediately after Christmas — so I had this idea (which would probably be a better idea if I had any design skills at all).  I made Wings of Fire book 6 gift announcements!  Whee!  The idea (obviously) is that you can print one of these out (for whichever holiday you’re celebrating) and give it as a “here’s your present, you can have the real thing as soon as the book is available!” kind of thing.  Oooo?  Is that weird?

(Click on the images to embiggen!  I hope this actually works!)

Or, of course, if you’d like to make your own, perhaps much fancier gift announcement (I promise not to be terribly indignant if you do), here’s the cover on its own:

And the beautiful full-jacket art, with a million thank-yous again to the absurdly talented Joy Ang:

I am very excited and a little nervous about this book (which is really true of EVERY book, so hush up, brain monkeys).  For instance, I’m sure that some people will be like “not enough of the original dragonets!” and others may be like “too much of the original dragonets!”  What can you do; I tried to put in exactly as much of them as our new heroine would naturally experience in this story.  Ooooh, I hope you like it!  And I really hope you like Moon!

One thing I want to warn you about . . . don’t get too attached to anyone right away.  I don’t think this is the book that will rip out your heart and stomp on it (that’s usually what book 9 is for!  Mwa ha ha what, no, I didn’t say anything) . . . but maybe proceed with caution, is all.  (Sinister and cryptic enough for you?)  😉

What else can I tell you . . . I’ve seen a sneak peek of the book 7 cover and it might be MY FAVORITE EVER.  I cannot WAIT to show it to you!  (But I have to, because something final approval something publishing stuff — but I promise I’ll put it up as soon as I’m allowed to!  It’s amazing!)

And I have a few questions for you guys before book 6 comes out, which I’m going to fling up on Facebook soon.  So if you don’t have an account, see if your mom or dad will let you borrow theirs to join in, or feel free to email me your answers through the contact form here instead!

Oh, and!  A couple of you have asked if I would post the section of book 6 that I read on tour, which sounds like a very reasonable great idea to me!  So I WILL DO THAT.  Not tonight, because it is 3am and I need to rip myself away from blogging to work on book 7 (THIS BRAIN-FREEZING BOOK).  But come back on . . . let’s say the evening of Friday (Dec. 5) , and it will be here!

Also, last thing for tonight!  I wrote a post for the Spirit Animals forum about writing book 5 of that series — a bunch of thoughts and details, kind of behind the scenes — and I’d love it if you come over and join that conversation too, if you want to!  Hopefully I’ll be able to jump back in soon and answer some of the excellent questions that have been posted in response.  🙂


(Oh, OK, this is not another thing!  It is just an explanation — I saw this on a couple of blogs and think it’s brilliant, so I’ve decided to replace “Quote of the Day” with “What We’re Reading,” because I constantly want to tell you all about the wonderful books we keep discovering here, only then I would do nothing but blog about that, because SO MANY GREAT BOOKS EEEEEE.  Also this will save me time!  I hope!

(Which reminds me!  My Favorite Books of 2014 post is also coming very soon!  Before Hanukkah is my goal!  I want to finish the one I’m currently reading first, because I’m pretty certain it’ll be going on the list…)

So . . . FYI, “With my bigger bear” refers to my four-year-old; “with my littler bear” refers to the two-year-old, although we’re often reading these all together.)

Good night, good night!  More very soon, I promise!

What We’re Reading:
Me:  Brown Girl Dreaming, by Jacqueline Woodson, and Girl of Nightmares, by Kendare Blake.  (I’m also technically part of the way into The Goldfinch, but I don’t foresee myself finishing that this month!)

With my bigger bear:  We just finished Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl, which was insanely wonderfully successful, and our other new top favorite book is The Princess in Black, by Shannon Hale.  (SO SO GREAT!  Exactly what we were looking for for his age, because he can read it by himself but I also love reading it with him, and it’s perfectly perfect for boys OR girls.  She’s a princess AND a ninja!  Warning: be prepared to hear a LOT of “Twinkle Twinkle Little SMASH!” at top volume after reading this!)

With my littler bear:  He is kind of madly in love with a picture book called There’s a Dragon Downstairs, by Hilary McKay, illustrated by Amanda Harvey.  We’re also really enjoying Penguin Cha-Cha by Kristi Valiant, which I got because I met her at the Southern Festival and she was super lovely!