Books of Wonder Event!
Hello everyone!
I am very excited to let you all know that I’ll be back at Books of Wonder in New York City for an author event THIS SATURDAY!! May 25!! From 12-2pm! Mark your calendars and please come! I’ll be talking with several other awesome middle grade adventure authors, including my sparkling and talented sister. 🙂 Hooray! So come prepared with LOTS of questions for her! (Mwa ha ha!)
Behold all the authors and shiny books that will be there! Ooo, I want them all!
I’ll be saying something undoubtedly witty and fascinating about Wings of Fire and The Menagerie, plus signing books (huzzah!). And if you buy Wings of Fire books one and two while you’re there, you’ll be all ready for book THREE, The Hidden Kingdom, when it comes out three days later, on May 28!!!
This book is SO BEAUTIFUL I can hardly stand it. Glorious rainforest dragons! So pretty! Hooray!
Doesn’t Glory look menacing and brilliant and strong and marvelous? And just wait until you see the book four cover, which is also absolutely amazing. (Well, if you do some searching, you might be able to find it online! And I’ll post it here soon too, I promise.) Thank you thank you, Scholastic design team! 🙂
So don’t forget! Saturday, May 25! Books of Wonder in New York City! Noon!
MAYBE there will be a FABULOUS PRIZE for the first person who comes up and tells me they read about the event right here on this blog! (Maybe that prize will be a three-days-early copy of book three!) (I’m officially putting Kari in charge of figuring out who wins, mwa ha ha.)
Hope to see you all there! Yay Books of Wonder! Yay books!
Quote of the Day: “A Chinaman of the T’ang Dynasty — and, by which definition, a philosopher — dreamed he was a butterfly, and from that moment he was never quite sure that he was not a butterfly dreaming it was a Chinese philosopher.” — Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead