I will be celebrating by watching Veronica Mars, since I can’t really handle anything much more scary than Dick Casablancas. I am a huge wuss when it comes to horror movies. I saw Scream 2 with my boyfriend-at-the-time and I spent the rest of the night entirely convinced that he was secretly plotting to kill me for no apparent reason. (This is not a spoiler for the movie, as I don’t actually remember how it ends — I just remember being terrified afterwards!)

And yet all my favorite TV actresses keep picking roles in horror movies, as if to test the limits of my fan loyalty. Sarah Michelle Gellar, I love you, but I CANNOT see The Grudge. I just can’t do it! The trailers alone give me the heebie-jeebies. And then there’s Kristen Bell’s movie, Pulse, which also has adorable Boone from Lost in it…arrrrrrgh…maybe if I follow it up with five happy teen movies in a row, like Bring It On, Clueless, John Tucker Must Die, Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, and Mean Girls, or something.

Anyway, not tonight. Tonight Veronica Mars is new! Hooray! So that’s what I’ll be doing. Have a fabulous Halloween!!