Hello, lovely readers!

You’ve reached the website of Tui T. Sutherland, author of the #1 New York Times best-selling series Wings of Fire, the Menagerie trilogy (with my sister Kari), and a few other books. Hopefully you’ve stopped by because you’ve read one of my books, or would like to (please do!). Click around to learn more about the Wings of Fire dragons, find out what’s coming next, join one of my upcoming events, or visit my blog or Instagram feed (which is probably full of dog and snail photos, if you like that kind of thing!).

Pretty much all the beautiful Wings of Fire art on this website was created by the amazingly talented Joy Ang, who does many other things besides draw the most glorious dragons ever–if you love our covers, check out her other artwork and books!

The Latest Book

Wings of Fire Graphic Novel: #8 Escaping Peril

Peril has been loyal to Queen Scarlet, who used her fatal firescales to kill countless dragons in the SkyWing arena. Now, Peril is loyal to Clay, the only dragonet who has ever been her friend. So when Scarlet threatens Jade Mountain Academy, Peril sets off to find her former queen, stop her, and save the day, no matter what it . . .

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Latest from the Blog

Kidlit for Los Angeles

Hello lovelies, 2025 has been a lot already (I need a hibernation cave big enough for everyone! please know the dragons and I all love you!) so I am just swooping by to let you know about Kidlit for Los Angeles, an auction to raise money for wildfire relief efforts in Los Angeles. The proceeds will go to: California Community . . .

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Holidays and Hibernation

Hi beautiful everyone! I feel like I need a writing cave to hibernate in for the next couple of months, but before I bury my head in Book 16 and my Other Book I Keep Hinting At, I wanted to do a quick end-of-2024 post! First of all, we have announced our exciting announcement, which is that Scholastic is organizing . . .

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Meet Tui

Tui? What kind of name is that? Is it short for something?

Nope. Among the many great things to come out of New Zealand (the Lord of the Rings movies, cats that paint, my mom) is a bird called the tui—not as well known as the kiwi, but a heck of a lot noisier!

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Tui's Other Books